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Tuntutan kebebasan dalam menyelidiki dan mengkomunikasikanhasil kegiatan di bidang penelitian, pengajaran, pelatihan, jasa dan praktik psikologi, maka hasil konsultasi dan publikasinya harus dapat dipahami oleh Psikolog dan Ilmuwan Psikologi dengan penuh tanggung jawab.

Kompetensi dan obyektivitas dalam menerapkan kemampuan profesional sesuai dengan bidangnya sangat terikat dan memperhatikan pemakai jasa, rekan sejawat serta masyarakat pada umumnya. Oleh karena itu, pengguna jasa dan atau praktik psikologi tanpa посетить страницу источник oleh latarbelakang dan karakteristik khususnya, harus mendapatkan layanan dan memperoleh keuntungan dalam kualitas yang setara dalam hal proses, prosedur dan layanan yang dilakukan.

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Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang secara sengaja memanipulasi tujuan, proses maupun hasil yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi salah satu di bawah ini:. Apabila konflik tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan cara tersebut, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi diharapkan patuh terhadap tuntutan hukum, peraturan atau otoritas hukum lainnya yang berlaku. Pelaporan pelanggaran ditujukan kepada Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia untuk nantinya diserahkan kepada Majelis Psikologi Indonesia.

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Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menghindar dari melakukan peran profesional apabila kepentingan pribadi, ilmiah, profesional, hukum, finansial, kepentingan atau hubungan lain diperkirakan akan merusak objektivitas, kompetensi, atau efektivitas узнать больше dalam menjalankan fungsi sebagai Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi atau berdampak buruk bagi pengguna layanan psikologi serta pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan pengguna layanan psikologi tersebut.

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Hubungan sebagaimana tercantum pada 1 dan 2 harus dihindari karena sangat mempengaruhi penilaian masyarakat padaPsikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi ataupun mengarah pada eksploitasi. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memiliki dua jenis bentuk hubungan profesional yaitu /71280.txt antar profesi yaitu dengan sesama Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi serta hubungan dengan profesi lain.

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Apabila Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dilarang oleh organisasi peminta layanan untuk memberikan hasil informasi kepada orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi, maka hal tersebut harus diinformasikan sejak awal proses pemberian layanan psikologi berlangsung. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menyadari pentingnya perencanaan kegiatan dan menyiapkan langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan bila terjadi hal-hal yang dapat menyebabkan pelayanan psikologi mengalami penghentian, terpaksa dihentikan atau dialihkan kepada pihak lain.

Sebelum layanan psikologi dialihkan atau dihentikan pelayanan tersebut dengan alasan apapun, hendaknya dibahas bersama antara Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dengan penerima layanan psikologi kecuali kondisinya tidak memungkinkan. Jenis Rekam Psikologi adalah rekam psikologi lengkap dan rekam psikologi terbatas. Pelaksanaan dalam hal ini harus di bawah pengawasannya, yang dapat dalam adobe flash professional cc 2017 kuyhaa free tertulis atau lainnya.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi wajib memegang teguh rahasia yang menyangkut klien atau pengguna layanan psikologi dalam hubungan dengan pelaksanaan kegiatannya. Penggunaan keterangan atau data mengenai pengguna layanan psikologi atau orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi yang diperoleh Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam rangka pemberian layanan Psikologi, hendaknya mematuhi hal-hal sebagai berikut.

Dalam kondisi tersebut indentitas orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi tetap dijaga kerahasiaannya. Seandainya data orang yang menjalani layanan jasa dan atau praktik psikologi harus dimasukkan ke data dasar data base atau sistem pencatatan yang dapat diakses pihak lain yang tidak dapat diterima oleh yang bersangkutan maka Ilmuwan Psikologi dan atau Psikolog harus menggunakan kode atau cara lain yang dapat melindungi orang tersebut dari kemungkinan untuk bisa dikenali.

Data hasil pemberian layanan psikologi hanya dapat digunakan untuk tujuan ilmiah atau profesional. Ilmuwan Psikologi dan Psikolog tidak saling berbagi untuk hal-hal yang seharusnya menjadi rahasia pengguna layanan psikologi peserta riset, atau pihak manapun yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologikecuali dengan izin yang bersangkutan atau pada situasi dimana kerahasiaan itu memang tidak mungkin ditutupi. Saling berbagi informasi hanya diperbolehkan kalau diperlukan untuk pencapaian tujuan konsultasi, itupun sedapat mungkin tanpa menyebutkan identitas atau cara pengungkapan lain yang dapat dikenali sebagai indentitas pihak tertentu.

Dalam hal ini, pencatatan atau pemotongan pajak mengikuti aturan sesuai hukum yang berlaku. Data dan informasi hasil pemeriksaan psikologi bila diperlukan untuk kepentingan pendidikan, data harus disajikan sebagaimana adanya dengan menyamarkan nama orang atau lembaga yang datanya digunakan. Iklan dan Pernyataan publik yang dimaksud dalam pasal ini dapat berhubungan dengan jasa, produk atau publikasi profesional Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi di bidang psikologi, mencakup iklan yang dibayar atau tidak dibayar, adobe flash professional cc 2017 kuyhaa free, barang cetakan, daftar direktori, resume pribadi atau curriculum vitae, wawancara atau komentar yang dimuat dalam media, pernyataan dalam buku, hasil seminar, lokakarya, pertemuan ilmiah, kuliah, presentasi lisan di depan publik, dan materi-materi lain yang diterbitkan.

Pernyataan tersebut harus disampaikan dengan. Bila mengetahui adanya pernyataan yang tergolong penipuan atau pemalsuan terhadap karya mereka yang dilakukan orang lain, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha untuk menjelaskan kebenarannya. Читать далее dan atau Ilmuwan Psikolog bertanggung jawab atas pengumuman, katalog, brosur atau iklan, seminar atau program non gelar yang dilakukannya.

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Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menjelaskan kemampuan atau keahliannya harus bersikap jujur, wajar, bijaksana dan tidak berlebihan dengan memperhatikan ketentuan yang berlaku untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran di masyarakat.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjunjung tinggi profesionalitas dan senantiasa terus meningkatkan kompetensinya. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi perlu dihargai dengan imbalan sesuai profesionalitas dan kompetensinya.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memberitahu pihak yang bersangkutan terlebih dahulu bahwa tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan, serta memberi kesempatan untuk dapat взято отсюда permasalahan sebelum tindakan hukum dilakukan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membagi imbalan dengan profesional lain, atasan atau bawahan, pembayaran terhadap masing-masing harus berdasarkan jasa dan atau praktik yang diberikan dan sudah diatur sebelum pelaksanaan pelayanan psikologi dilakukan.

Psikolog dan atau Psikologi memastikan keakuratan data dan laporan pemeriksaan psikologi kepada pembayar jasa atau sumber. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat menerima benda atau imbalan non uang dari pengguna layanan psikologi sebagai imbalan atas pelayanan psikologi yang diberikan hanya jika tidak bertentangan dengan kode etik dan pengaturan yang dihasilkan tidak eksploitatif. Standar ini tidak membatasi pendidik atau pelatih untuk memodifikasi isi program pendidikan atau persyaratan jika dari sisi pendidikan dipandang penting atau dibutuhkan, selama peserta didik diberitahukan akan adanya perubahan dalam rangka memungkinkan mereka untuk memenuhi persyaratan pendidikan.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi mengambil langkah yang tepat guna memastikan rencana pendidikan dan atau pelatihannya berdasar perkembangan kemajuan pengetahuan terkini dan sesuai dengan materi yang akan dibahas. Hal tersebut tidak diberlakukan, kecuali jika :. Bila suatu terapi individual atau kelompok merupakan persyaratan dalam suatu program atau pengajaran, psikolog bertanggung jawab bahwa adobe flash professional cc 2017 kuyhaa free terapi tersebut tersedia.

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Informasi mengenai proses tersebut diberikan pada awal pengawasan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam melaksanakan penelitian diawali dengan menyusun dan menuliskan rencana penelitian sedemikian rupa dalam proposal dan protokol penelitian sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan.

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Konsultasi yang dimaksud dapat meliputi yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi dan kewenangan misalnya badan-badan resmi pemerintah dan swasta, organisasi profesi lain, komite khusus, kelompok sejawat, kelompok seminat, atau adobe flash professional cc 2017 kuyhaa free mekanisme lain. Dalam hal ini termasuk ссылка на подробности penelitian dari instansi terkait dan dari pemangku wewenang adobe flash professional cc 2017 kuyhaa free wilayah dan badan setempat yang menjadi lokasi.

Pelanggaran terhadap hal ini dan adanya tindakan penyalahgunaan wewenang dapat dikenai butir pelanggaran seperti tercantum dalam pasal dan bagian-bagian lain dari Kode Etik ini misalnya pelecehan seksual dan bentuk pelecehan lain. Sebelum pengambilan data penelitian tetapi setelah memperoleh izin penelitian Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan pada calon partisipan penelitian dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan istilah-istilah yang dipahami masyarakat umum tentang penelitian yang akan dilakukan.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan kepada calon partisipan asas kesediaan sebagai partisipan penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa keikutsertaan dalam penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat sukarela, sehingga memungkinkan pengunduran diri atau penolakan untuk terlibat.

Partisipan harus menyatakan kesediaannya seperti yang dijelaskan pada pasal yang mengatur tentang itu. Dalam rangka mendapat persetujuan dari calon partisipan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan proses penelitian. Secara lebih terinci informasi yang penting untuk disampaikan adalah :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan sifat dari penelitian tersebut, berikut risiko, kewajiban dan keterbatasannya.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi sebelum merekam suara atau gambar Untuk pengumpulan data harus memperoleh izin tertulis dari partisipan penelitian. Persetujuan tidak diperlukan bila perekaman murni untuk kepentingan observasi alamiah di tempat umum dan diantisipasi tidak akan berimplikasi teridentifikasi atau terancamnya kesejahteraan atau keselamatan partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait.

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Also, it is possible to customize the brightness of the user interface according to your needs. Get full control over your project. If you download Adobe Illustrator CS6, you can easily express your creativity using the advanced features of the program. Now designing and editing your artworks became a breeze. A brand-new tracing engine in Illustrator CS6 allows you to create accurate vector images while controlling the entire process. Also, it is possible to add a gradient to a stroke.

Ability to work with larger files. Whether you are using Adobe Illustrator CS6 Mac or Windows version, you can work with multiple large files simultaneously. Thus, it is possible to avoid an out-of-memory error. Also, the developers have improved such features as creating package designs, cartography and large-format graphics. HiDPI support. To make the most of your monitor for photo editing improvements, Illustrator has native support for high-resolution displays.

Thus, you can work with sharp and clear UI elements and enjoy the greater clarity of the thumbnails in panels. Choosing this plan, you get all the functionality for creating vector graphics and illustrations.

You will have step-by-step guides, GB of cloud storage, a portfolio for posting the created images, and premium fonts. Besides, you can download Adobe Illustrator free trial version and test all features. This plan is chosen by large companies and professional illustrators who also need other Adobe products. Besides, you get GB of cloud storage, your own portfolio and premium fonts. Illustrator Draw is a mobile version of the application for iOS and Android.

The application contains lots of popular features and tools. You can draw sketches using 5 adjustable brushes, work with multiple images and layers, duplicate and merge layers, send files to Illustrator or Photoshop. They may not have such advanced tools as Illustrator has, but they are quite suitable for basic tasks. GIMP is an open-source program for creating and editing images.

You can select one of the available brushes, patterns or gradients to draw a picture. There are both standard brushes and funny ones. For example, you can use the brush in the form of bell pepper. But in general, this software has a limited number of vector functions.

It is suitable for those who prefer to avoid using cracks and do not need such advanced functionality as in Illustrator.

You can create a variety of projects, including application designs, icons, illustrations, presentations, prints and screen designs. The Vector Library has icons, shapes, emoticons and illustrations that can be combined. This program may be used to work with raster graphics. It has all the necessary features: cropping, masking, blending, resizing and adding filters. Like GIMP, this free cross-platform vector graphics software has open-source code, so it can be modified to fit your needs.

You can create and edit objects, perform path operations and rendering. Besides, there is text support and other options. It is suitable for creating banners, logos and other media that have been changed in vector mode. Besides, Adobe Illustrator CS6 for Mac boasts such features as professional strokes, an improved contour definition system, a brush bristles effect, and a simplified procedure for creating shapes.

Multiple-file place. This function enables the simultaneous import of multiple files to Illustrator. Also, it is possible to easily determine the location of files images, graphics and text and apply scaling to them. Small size of the output files. Need to showcase a presentation or an illustration to the team members? The file will be transferred to a flash drive in a matter of seconds. Integration with mobile apps from the Illustrator family.

There is a comprehensive process for creating projects for mobile devices and PCs. You may transfer illustrations from Sketch , Line and Draw applications and improve them using a vast array of Illustrator tools. Advanced plugins. Adobe Illustrator CS6 for Mac version is known for the support of numerous plugins, for instance, free photography logo templates.



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All bit versions of Microsoft operating systems impose a 16 TB limit on address space. Processes created on the bit editions of Windows Vista can have 8 TB in virtual memory for user processes and 8 TB for kernel processes to create a virtual memory of 16 TB.

The Commission concluded that Microsoft "broke European Union competition law by leveraging its near monopoly in the market for PC operating systems onto the markets for work group server operating systems and for media players. Unlike that decision, however, Microsoft was also forced to withdraw the non-compliant versions of Windows from the South Korean market. As a continuance of these requirements, Microsoft released "N" and "KN" variants of some editions of Windows Vista that exclude Windows Media Player, as well as "K" and "KN" editions that include links to third-party media player and instant messaging software.

Two additional editions of Windows Vista have been released for use by developers of embedded devices. These are binary identical editions to those available in retail, but licensed exclusively for use in embedded devices. Unlike previous versions of Windows, Windows Vista does not support compliance checking during installation; compliance checking previously allowed users to insert a disc as evidence that the operating system was being upgraded over a previous version, which would allow users to enter an upgrade license to perform a clean install.

However, upgrading from a bit edition to a bit edition or downgrading from bit edition to a bit edition requires a clean install. The following chart indicates the possible upgrade paths:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia list article.

News Center. Retrieved May 26, Ars Technica. Retrieved June 2, January 29, Retrieved April 3, January 17, Redmond Magazine.

Retrieved May 30, Windows Vista Team Blog. Archived from the original on November 10, Windows How-to. SuperSite for Windows. Archived from the original on March 16, Retrieved October 23, Archived from the original on June 8, PC World.

Retrieved October 25, Archived from the original RTF on September 7, Archived from the original on March 7, Archived PDF from the original on January 31, Help with Windows. Archived from the original PDF on August 2, Supersite for Windows. Retrieved April 29, CBS Interactive. Softpedia News. Retrieved 8 June Archived from the original on January 21, Windows Hardware Engineering Conference Archived from the original EXE on December 22, Retrieved September 1, We use cookies to make wikiHow great.

By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts.

Related Articles. Article Summary. Author Info Last Updated: January 24, Part 1. Install a free burning program. There are a number of free burning utilities available online. You need one that can create ISO files. If you received your Windows 7 as a downloadable ISO file from Microsoft, you can skip to the next section.

Insert your Windows 7 DVD. Open your new burning program. Look for an option such as "Copy to Image" or "Create Image. Save your ISO file. Choose an easy to remember name and location for the file. The ISO you make will be equal in size to the disc you are copying. This means it can take up several gigabytes of space on your hard drive. Be sure you have enough storage available. Part 2. This is available for free from Microsoft.

You can run this tool on virtually any version of Windows. Select the Source file. This is the ISO that you created or downloaded in the first section. Click Next. Select USB device. For this guide, click USB Device. Choose your USB device. Make sure that your flash drive is connected correctly. You will need at least 4GB space on your flash drive to copy over the Windows installation.

Wait while program works. The copying process can take up to 15 minutes to complete, depending on the speed of your machine.

Part 3. Plug-in your Flash Drive. Run Command Prompt as an administrator. To open a command prompt, go to the Start menu and search for CMD.

Right-click on it and select Run as Administrator to use it with admin rights. Using the Diskpart utility find the drive number of your flash drive. Type "list disk" to see a display of all your connected disk drives. Make a note of the number assigned to your Flash drive.

Format the drive. Execute the following list of commands one-by-one. Make the flash drive bootable. Navigate to the directory where bootsect is found. The safest and the fastest way would be to use the Windows Explorer. Open the disk, select everything, and drag it into your flash drive. This could take a few minutes to copy. Part 4. Change the boot order. The key varies by manufacturer, but is usually F2 , F10 , F12 , or Del. Be sure that it is inserted, or you may not be given an option to choose it.

Save changes and reboot. Install Windows.



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Windows 7 is the latest version of Windows. Released in , Windows 7 has been universally praised for being much better than Windows Vista, which was panned by users and critics alike. Windows 7 has better speed and performance compared to Windows Vista. Support for themes has been extended in Windows 7. In addition to setting the colors of the window chrome and desktop background, themes in Windows 7 include a sound set, and desktop slideshow settings.

The default theme is titled "Windows 7", which consists of a single desktop background codenamed "Harmony" and the same sound set as Windows Vista.

Six new "Aero Themes" are included. Windows Vista introduced Gadgets and a sidebar which provides the ability to anchor Gadgets to the side of the user's desktop. In Windows 7, the sidebar has been removed, while gadgets can still be placed on the desktop. Windows 7 adds a Windows Media Center gadget to the default collection while removing the Contacts and Notes gadgets.

Unlike Windows Vista, all gadgets run in a single process, which saves memory, and the process is not run at all if the user has no gadgets on the desktop. Windows Explorer in Windows 7 supports Libraries , which are virtual folders that aggregate content from various locations and present them in a unified view.

Searching in a library automatically federates the query to the remote systems, in addition to searching on the local system, so that files on the remote systems are also searched.

Unlike search folders, Libraries are backed by a physical location which allows files to be saved in the Libraries. Windows 7's Start menu retains the two-column layout of its predecessors, with several functional changes:. The user interface for font management has been overhauled. As with Windows Vista, the collection of installed fonts is shown in a Windows Explorer window, but fonts from the same font family appear as "stacks" instead of as individual icons.

The Font dialog box[13] has also been updated to show previews of the font selection in the selection lists. There are two major new user interface components for device management in Windows 7, "Devices and Printers" and "Device Stage". Both of these are integrated with Windows Explorer, and together provide a simplified view of what devices are connected to the computer, and what capabilities they support. Devices and Printers is a new Control Panel interface that is directly accessible from the Start menu.

Unlike the Device Manager Control Panel applet, which is still present, the icons shown on the Devices and Printers screen is limited to components of the system that a non-expert user will recognize as plug-in devices. For example, an external monitor connected to the system will be displayed as a device, but the internal monitor on a laptop will not.

This new Control Panel applet also replaces the "Printers" window in Windows Vista; common printer operations such as setting the default printer, installing or removing printers, and configuring properties such as paper size are done through this control panel.

Device Stage provides a centralized location for an externally-connected multi-function device to present its functionality to the user. When a device such as a portable music player is connected to the system, the device appears as an icon on the task bar, as well as in Windows Explorer.

Opening the icon presents a window that displays actions relevant to that device. Device status information such as free memory and battery life can also be shown. An overview of the multi-touch capabilities of Windows 7, including a virtual piano program, a mapping and directions program and a touch-aware version of Paint, was demonstrated at the All Things Digital Conference on May 27, A video demonstrating the multi-touch capabilities was later made available on the web. In order to take advantage of the capabilities and unique performance characteristics of solid-state drives, Windows 7 will turn off Windows Disk Defragmenter, and will make use of the new SSD TRIM command to physically erase logically deleted data more aggressively.

Furthermore, an installed version of Windows 7 can be booted and run from a VHD drive, even on non-virtual hardware, thereby providing a new way to multi boot Windows. The default disk partitioning structure in Windows 7 is to create two partitions: the first for booting, Bitlocker and running the Windows Recovery Environment and second to install the operating system.

Windows 7 has also seen improvements to the Safely Remove Hardware menu, including the ability to eject just one camera card at the same time from a single hub and retain the ports for future use without reboot; and removable media is now also listed under its label, rather than just its drive letter like it was in Windows Vista.

BitLocker brings encryption support to removable disks such as USB drives. Such devices can be protected by a passphrase, a recovery key, or be automatically unlocked on a computer. Share this comparison:.

If you read this far, you should follow us:. Diffen LLC, n. Windows 7 vs. Windows Vista. Comparison chart Differences — Similarities —.

Gadgets Windows Vista introduced Gadgets and a sidebar which provides the ability to anchor Gadgets to the side of the user's desktop. Windows Explorer Libraries. Follow Share Cite Authors. Share this comparison: If you read this far, you should follow us: "Windows 7 vs Windows Vista.

Comments: Windows 7 vs Windows Vista. Related Comparisons. Contribute to Diffen Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. Log in ». Terms of use Privacy policy. Windows 7, formerly codenamed Blackcomb and Vienna was the latest version of Microsoft Windows until Windows 8, a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers. Windows Vista is a line of operating systems developed by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablet PCs, and media center PCs.

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The example used in this tutorial is a Johnson's counter, shown below. Cover image courtesy of divinetechygirl. Altium Designer offers tools that easily integrate your design tools and data with your deliverable generation tools, helping you move to manufacture quickly and easily.

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Protel SE was once wide spread, was taken over by Altium. How is Altium compared with the old Protel SE? More or less professional? I first heard of Predictable when my client acquired your services for a hardware report when they were looking at some next gen concepts. I appreciated that fresh perspective that you brought to the table and we found really good value in your report.

They upped the ante over the past few years and now offer DesignSpark Mechanical. Feel free to email me at info null predictabledesigns. Great article! Suggestion: display dates on the comments. That would be helpful. Why not start with the free day trial? Hi John, asking your layout engineer to new a learn a new software package would be very unusual and very inefficient. Do you really want to pay him for the extra hours it will take for them to learn a new tool? Also they would need to buy new software, and will likely require you to pay for it.

We have to weigh that against the extra hours to manually redraw the layout in the new software. The engineer might be motivated to expand their skillset.

Conversion: Direct conversion to their package might be possible. I have used OrCad, and Eagle. I have used Eagle for years and looking back it took me some time to learn.

At my work the company has decided to use Altium and I have been hearing from coworkers that Altium is taking some time to get used to. I was up and running with complete install and making schematics in the same day. I found that KiCad was very intuitive. I recommend KiCad. These Diptrace fans made the switch to KiCad. Thank you for a very informative review.

I have one question. At this price would you recommend Orcad over DipTrace? The only functionality these dummies ever have is daisy-chained connections for continuity testing. I sometimes put a lot of stuff on a TV, usually with no or few connections. It would be more helpful in taking a little time to take on due diligence of the players ranked by seats in use, popularity if you will.

Even the very expensive tools offer a trial period. Your favored tool is in the middle of the pack as far as instinctual use, and you get what you pay for as it has it quirks as any software does. Your comments on libraries is somewhat misleading as the major distributors are offering vast libraries that output library files that you can integrate into your own at will.

I will say that such libraries whether a default offering from the tool or from part distributors, or 3rd party apps, need to be verified by the designer. In reality each designer should come to learn the basics of library creation, its impacts on reliability, manufacturability known as DFM, DFT. Otherwise, how do you confirm to yourself, your customer, your employer that you have vetted a given footprint and accuracy of connectivity of a CAE symbol.

Errors in library parts historically create coffee coasters, lost time, and lost business. Net list management, mitigating errors and collisions, gerber outputs have improved much in so many decades. If you put in enough years in this discipline you run into incorrect footprints, incomplete CAE symbols and even incorrect data sheets. I had in one case three incorrect data sheets for the same part, different sources with the fourth being actually right.

Document control and language translation issues from oversees manufacturers are not unheard of. It does not make your customers very happy no matter how legit that the error was beyond normal and expected diligence. We have gotten away from having parts in hand before tape out and we place a lot of trust in a number of engineering data sources. You have to add to your tasks the vetting of these sources. The layout … Read more ».

Thanks for the comment though! That is a great tool as well. Yes, KiCad is pretty good. The 5. I just discovered this website and liked this article, but there are no dates! Please consider adding dates to your articles. Great article. Are simulation software any good? Like Proteus? Being able to work out bugs before committing to board should be a plus.

Thanks for this series of articles. I am retired now and I use DipTrace on a non-commercial basis, and I like it a lot.

EAGLE EDA used to be free, not sure how much is still free now that Autodesk owns it, but regardless, as the time I used it the user interface was way too dense for casual use.

Thank you Mark for the feedback and for sharing your experiences with Diptrace and PCB design in general. Much appreciated! Speed of design, as in pins per hour over the whole design process. Detailed control over layers, such as tenting vias instead of them being automatically open.

I used Orcad for years, then Protel. Also, another one that was full featured but had the worst customer support on earth, with the developer himself an arrogant SOB. I tried Eagle, 3 x and hate it every time. I recently tried Pads and, like Eagle hated it.

Try that with DipTrace. DipTrace has some other issues that one discovers after a long time use. Thanks Bob for sharing your experience with everyone. The only downside I see is that looks like you always need an internet connection. Thanks for the comment. Sorry brother but the three you listed are not even close to the top of the line. No Typo. Thirty thousand dollars US. So you might want to broaden your PCB layout facts.

Thanks for the comment Brad. Free, no limits on board size or layer count. Has a really nice push routing feature. Downsides are mostly graphical IMO; some refresh issues. I assist in the recommendation of KiCad: jumped recently into this due to several reasons.

And creating all the manufacturing files is so easy. For all the same reasons, I use KiCad for my designs. I wrote it because I use DipTrace everyday and I happen to really like it. Altium Designer is the flagship product of Altium, but not the only one. They are in the process of updating the precision to support 6 decimal places with a commitment to provide more timely enhancement releases two last month. I am unable to find potentiometer Dual in diptrace free version. I was so far using eagle software free version.


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